What learning future should Generation Alpha prepare for? Futurologist Hartwin Maas gave an answer to these and other questions that have arisen since Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) took over a number of cognitive tasks at the global conference OEB 2023.
Generative AI is taking on tasks that were previously the exclusive preserve of human skills and this is impacting learning, that is, the skills that need to be taught in schools, universities and companies.
Are Generation Z and Generation Alpha prepared for the disruption caused by AI?
Given the enormous impact of Generative AI or GenAI on humanity, it would be extremely interesting to know whether the youngest generations (i.e. those entering university and the workplace) are better prepared for this disruption than the generations before them Why.
The skills we need in the future
Futurologist Hartwin Maas had the pleasure of giving the audience of the Online Educa Berlin, OEB 2023 Global Conference - the global, cross-industry conference for digital learning and training - some answers in his talk on the topic: The skills we need in the future and the valuable skills of Generation Alpha!